Please donate today.
This June, we need your help to raise $50,000 and to stand with mums like Madison.
When Madison first met her ex-partner, she saw the good in him and was hopeful about their life together. Sadly, as time went on, alcohol and violence dominated the relationship.
“He’d be drinking a lot, so he was aggressive.
At one stage, I was very heavily pregnant with my son, and I wouldn’t let him in because I knew he’d be drinking. And he kicked in the door, and I had a drink and he smashed the drink and then cut me on my arm with the bottle.”
“It’s awful. It’s surreal sometimes the experience for that sort of behaviour. When you’re in the midst of it, it doesn’t seem real.
I felt really lost and despair.”
Things escalated when her ex-partner didn’t return her son from a routine visit.
“He took him for a whole year. I never saw him. I kept going back to the police saying this is kidnapping, what can I do?
You can watch Madison’s full story here.
How Horizons stood with Madison
“I will never forget when Horizons told me they can help me. It was unbelievable. It was probably one of the best feelings that I’ll never forget in my life.
Horizons really stepped in and took over my case for me. Right from the first mediation, all the way through to the final hearing, they held my hand every step of the way.”
If it wasn’t for Horizons, I don’t know how things would have ended up. I’m sure I wouldn’t be sitting here today with such a good story to tell. I’m so grateful.”

For mums like Madison, when everyone else says ‘no’, we want to say ‘yes’. That’s why we exist – to stand in the gap with them.
Would you join us?
Your gift before 30th June will help us run our FREE telephone advice line, FREE face to face consultations and low-cost court case support. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Your gifts will allow us to help many families in the year ahead.
* Please note, name & identifying features have been altered to preserve confidentiality.

We 100% rely on your donations…
Without any government funding, we rely on your donations to provide support to families in crisis.
Your donations fund:
• FREE telephone advice line
• Face to face consultations
• Low-cost court case support

There are two ways you can give to support our work. Both options give you the choice to make a one-off donation or an ongoing commitment to support our work by giving on a regular basis.
Bank Deposit
Horizons Family Law Centre Ltd
BSB: 112-879
Account: 494 017 725
Bank: St George
If you are a new donor, send an email to office@horizonsfamilylaw.org.au
so we know where to send your receipt.